FI Data Center

When selecting a data center, its location is among the essential aspects - you can pick an allegedly excellent place, which can turn out to be a flood zone or even an earthquake hotspot. Also, the specific region might have an unstable political climate. That is why we've chosen Finland as a spot for our next data center. This is a country with a steady political climate; it is far away from seismic hotspots and flooding is not a problem there.

Our Finnish data center is positioned in an ex military facility. It's situated in an below ground cave that's capable to withstand aerial assault or EMP blasts. This can essentially ensure that your web site will continue working regardless of what happens to the world outside.

Aside from its strategic place and safety features, the Finnish data center also offers impressive connectivity with the rest of the world and especially with Russia and Northern/Central Europe. It's an exceptional option when you wish to expand your worldwide web presence in the aforementioned areas and to provide your customers with top-notch connection speeds.

  • Domain Names

  • .COM - $16.00/year
  • .ORG - $16.50/year
  • .ONLINE - $33.00/year
  • Compare Domain Names

Website Hosting Services in Finland

Enjoy a hassle-free website hosting service in our Finnish data center. We've set up our highly-effective website hosting servers in such a way to match up to the high level of security provided by this belowground data center facility. With each and every website hosting account, you can receive 99.9% server and network uptime warranties, in addition to a no-questions-asked, 30-day money back guarantee.

To further raise the security of your sites, all of the website hosting accounts include ModSecurity activated automatically. It's a powerful firewall, which will guard your site from the most widely used hack attacks.

Hosting your site with us can even help you get a speed boost - our website hosting servers are fitted out with extremely fast NVMe drives and employ a unique file system (ZFS), that's developed in such a way as to use the considerably enhanced read/write times offered by the previously mentioned NVMe drives. And we offer you a set of special web accelerators, that will help you boost the effectiveness of your website substantially.

OpenVZ Linux VPS Hosting Services In Finland

Opt for one of our OpenVZ Virtual Private Servers in our Finland-based data center when you've got a large web site, a resource-demanding web application or if you would like to start your very own hosting company. Housed in this belowground data center, your server is protected from all natural disasters and you will experience an awesome connectivity with the nearby North European countries and Russia.

Our OpenVZ servers feature enough raw power for virtually every site. Take advantage of ample CPU, RAM and monthly traffic quotas with each server, as well as numerous free of charge bonuses.


 CPU Core(s)
 Disk Space
 Monthly Traffic

Linux Semi-dedicated Hosting In Finland

The Ficolo data center is the ideal home for your semi-dedicated server. It provides the essential website hosting conditions to make your multi-media web sites and applications run smoothly: outstanding local and international connectivity, top-level physical and network security and, above all - a disaster-proof subterranean location. With all of the Linux semi-dedicated hosting, you will have a 99.9% network uptime guarantee.

Due to Ficolo data center's flexible colocation policy, we've managed to implement our very own cloud hosting platform, which relies on NVMe-equipped servers as well as the ZFS file storage system. This will give you the best data processing and backup speeds. In addition, you will get ample CPU allocations for your demanding websites and web apps, and also generous database query quotas.

  • Service Guarantees

  • Enjoy risk-free cloud website hosting services in our Finnish data center. A 24/7 tech support service, a 99.9% server uptime guarantee in addition to a 99.9% network uptime warranty are included as well.
  • Compare Our Prices

  • We provide a number of cloud hosting packages hosted inside our Finnish data center. Check them out and opt for the one which meets your needs.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Why Us

  • If you're looking for a guaranteed uptime, an east-to-navigate Control Panel as well as a tech support team that can always be there for you, then you've arrived at the right place.
  • Contact Us

  • If you need further information, feel free to get hold of us. Our representatives will be happy to answer any queries you may have.